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Code of Conduct Camenzind + Co.
AG according to STeP by OEKO-TEX®,


We share with our partners and customers the common goal and commitment to high social, ethical and ecological standards.

We are committed to strict compliance with the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO core conventions and environmental protection.​

The result: high-quality silk and blended yarns for all areas of application


We understand corporate governance as the legal and factual framework for managing and monitoring our business for the benefit of all our relevant stakeholders.

We are therefore committed to business practices that are guided by integrity, impartiality, honesty, fair dealing, reliability, confidentiality, duty of care and full compliance with all legal requirements.


We are aware that economic misconduct can lead to significant damage. Therefore, we apply responsible business conduct to all our activities.¨

We will actively combat all forms of corruption, strive for fair competition and promote social and environmental responsibility in our value chain. To do this, we use our influence to ensure that this code of conduct also influences our value chain. We expect the same standards from our customers and partners that we adhere to ourselves.


Human rights are universal and apply to every individual. They say that all people, without any distinction, are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Specifically, we respect the right to freedom of thought, expression and association.


The employees are the core and most important capital of our company. Every employee should be given opportunities for professional and personal development based on their skills, for the benefit of both our company and the individual.

We are an equal workplace that is free from any form of discrimination, harassment or abuse. We are a workplace where all people of different ethnic origins, gender, age and profession have the same opportunities to develop. We create a safe working environment in which the right to advantageous working conditions as well as the right to rest and limitation of working hours are strictly observed.

In this sense, we respect the ILO core labor standards. Recognition of the right to join trade unions, the right to collective bargaining and gender pay equality for work of equal value are, among many others, important standards that we
retain. In addition, we are strictly against child labor, forced labor and excessive overtime.


Climate change is global, so every single contribution counts worldwide.

We see it as our duty to create an atmosphere in all our areas of activity that promotes the development and use of environmentally friendly technologies and products. In addition, we take measures to use resources efficiently and to further develop green chemistry. With regard to our ecological footprint, we dispose of waste responsibly and support internationally agreed approaches to combat environmental problems.


We understand that as a company we play an important role in society. Not only are we aware of our positive externalities, such as creating jobs and contributing to community building - we are also aware of our negative externalities. 

Consequently, we do everything possible to maximize the positive externalities and minimize the negative externalities.


We do not accept any form of corruption or bribery and fight it with all means at our disposal. We reject any business relationship that is based on corruption or bribery. Therefore, all payments to third parties are documented carefully and completely.


It is one of the fundamental principles of Camenzind + Co. AG that all employees act in accordance with the applicable competition law. Fair competition is a prerequisite for free market development for the benefit of the common good. Every employee is obliged to comply with the rules of fair competition.





According to the signed Code of Conduct, you undertake to comply with the stated STeP by OEKO-TEX® core requirements, GOTS due diligence, GRS rules, national and local legal regulations, as well as consistent compliance with the conditions according to STeP by OEKO-TEX®, GOTS and GRS that only apply to your facility.

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